Munster Valley Tourist Office

The Munstercard

in the Munster Valley

Are you staying in the Munster Valley soon?

When you come, remember to ask your host for the Munstercard!
Thanks to your member host, you can benefit from numerous discounts from our partners:
restaurants, shops, farm inns, museums, leisure parks…
Discover them right away!

78 results
  • Munster

    Restaurant La Table des Malker

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    20% off Happy Hour bill from 16 p.m. to 18 p.m.

    20% Preisnachlass auf the Rechnung Happy Hour from 16 to 18 hours.

    20% discount on the bill Happy Hour from 4 to 6 PM.

    Festival: The Valley of Tales

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    €1 reduction on entry prices for shows open to the general public at the Festival de Contes (excluding shows in farm inns).

    1€ Ermäßigung auf den Eintrittspreis für alle Vorstellungen des Märchenfestivals (außer Vorstellungen in Bauernhof-Gasthäusern).

    1€ discount on admission to Festival de Contes shows for all audiences (excluding farmhouse shows).

    Saint Grégoire Cultural Space - Cinema and performance hall

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    Cinema: €2 discount on entry. Live shows and film conferences: reduced rate.
    Cinema-Angebot: 2€50 Rabatt auf den Eintritt. Live Shows and Film Conferences: Ermäßigter Tariff.
    Movie offer: 2€50 discount on the entrance fee. Live shows and film lectures: reduced rate.

    Strohberg Farm Inn

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    1 white wine kir or a draft beer (25cl) or a soft drink offered for a complete marcaire meal.

    1 Kir mit Weißwein or a Bier vom Fass (25cl) or a Softdrink gratis für ein komplettes marcarisches Essen.

    1 kir in white wine or a draught beer (25cl) or a soft drink offered for a full marcaire meal.
    Wihr in the Valley

    Alsace Schoenheitz wines

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    10% discount on all wine purchases.

    10% Rabat für jeden Weinkauf.

    10% discount on all wine purchases.

    Bakery L'Enfariné

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    10% from 20€ of purchase or consumption.

    10% Rebate of 20€ Kauf oder Verbrauch.

    10% discount from €20 of purchase or consumption.

    Sepparla - Mountain guide

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    €2 discount on astronomical walks.

    2€ Ermäßigung auf astronomische Wanderungen.

    2€ discount on astronomical walks.

    Peasant Side

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    1 free 1L bottle of cloudy or filtered apple juice with purchases of €20 or more.

    1 Flasche von 1 Liter Apfelsaft geschenkt ab 20€ Wareneinkauf.

    1 bottle of 1 liter apple juice offered from 20€ purchase.

    Boetzlé artisan shop

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    10% discount on any purchase.

    10% discount on every purchase.

    10% discount on all purchases.

    Carpe Diem Bookstore

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    5% discount on books and 10% on stationery and cards.

    5% Preisnachlass auf Bücher und 10% auf Karten und Papierwaren.

    5% discount on books and 10% an cards and stationery items.

    Restaurant on the Station Side of the Grand Hotel

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    1 free house kir with any purchase of a 3-course menu.
    1 Hauskir wird für den Kauf eines 3 Gänge Menus angeboten (at the Ankunft im Restaurant anzugeben).
    1 house kir offered for any purchase of a 3 course menu (to be specified upon arrival at the restaurant).

    Pastry - Willy Tea Room

    On presentation of the Munstercard:
    20% discount on 500g kougelhopf.

    20% Rabat auf den Gugelhupf 500g.

    20% discount on 500g kougelhopf.