Office de Tourisme de la Vallée de Munster

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Members' area

of Vosges Club


  • You can attend our General Meeting: it will take place on Saturday, March 2, 2024 at 9 a.m. at the Belle Époque space in Breitenbach: Registration required before February 23 with Elisabeth ZIRGEL, 9 b rue Feldkirch 68920 Wintzenheim, tel 06 84 89 64 23 with a check for €35 per person if you stay for lunch (or IBAN transfer FR76 1027 8032 8000 0126 8214 031 – BIC CMCIFR2A ).At this General Meeting, an evolution of the statutes will be submitted to the vote:
Download the minutes of our 2023 General Meeting by clicking on this link Download the draft of new statutes by clicking on this link You would like to get more involved in the Club’s activities:
  • If you would like to look after the CHALET ERICHSON during the summer (drink service – bacon or cheese plates – pies) contact the chalet manager: François SCHMITT at 03 89 77 59 17 or 06 88 07 27 16 
  • If you want to guide hikes, the Vosges Club offers its members a Hiking Guide training course, at the end of which you are issued federal patents. Contact the hiking manager Jacques BOULANGER on 03 89 77 13 63
If you notice any damage to our trails (fallen trees, landslides, torn off signs, etc.) you can contact the work team leaders:
  • for the Grande Vallée André BAUMGART on 06 77 32 16 62
  • for the Petite Vallée :
    • north of a line Stosswihr – Lac Vert Eric OSSWALD on 07 70 97 18 19,
    • and south of this line + the northern ridge Robert HEYMANN on 06 77 25 02 56
  • for Munster – Petit Ballon – Gaschney – Frankenthal Claude MEYER on 06 76 25 00 94
To report a lack of marking or a problem on our trails, click here. Club Vosgien de la Vallée de Munster – B.P. N°2 68140 MUNSTER –