Munster Valley Tourist Office
We want to please you. Let's share...
… information on more than 800 events organized each year in the valley.
… good addresses and special offers with the welcome pass, the Munstercard, available from your host.
… the joy of discovering local products and your holiday partners during our welcome drinks every Monday during the French school holidays, all zones combined. Meet at 18 p.m. in summer at the market square in Munster.
Satisfaction questionnaires and suggestion sheets are available to you, on a self-service basis.
Please fill them out to help us in our ongoing improvement process.
• Provide you with an easily accessible reception area and information area.
• Provide you with a stay advisor.
• Make your procedures easier.
• Inform you free of charge about the local tourist offer.
• Provide a permanent reception service run by staff who speak at least two foreign languages.
• Ensure the provision of tourist maps on paper.
• Give you access to its dedicated trilingual website, adapted for consultation via embedded media.
• Distribute its tourist information also on paper and translated into at least two foreign languages relating to:
- to all classified tourist accommodation including at least the name of the establishment, postal address, email, website address, telephone number and classification level;
- to cultural, natural or leisure monuments and tourist sites which may include an indication of usage rates, periods and times of opening to the public, the website and telephone and postal contact details;
- to events and activities;
- to emergency telephone numbers.
• Offer a tourist information service integrating new information and communication technologies (social networks, mobile telephony, geolocation, etc.).
• Offer you free access to wifi.
• Present all the qualified offers in its intervention zone for all customers.
• Guarantee the reliability and timeliness of information on local tourist offers.
• Update your tourist information annually.
• Give you access to consulting the availability of classified accommodation.
• Be open at least 305 days a year, including Saturdays and Sundays, during tourist or entertainment periods.
• Display and broadcast its opening times expressed in at least two foreign languages.
• Respond to your mail all year round.
• Provide you with furniture to sit on.
• Display emergency telephone numbers outside.
• Comply with the requirements of the QUALITY TOURISM brandTM or the NF Service “Tourist Office” certification.
• Process your complaints and measure your satisfaction.
More information : Atout France official website
The Munster Valley is committed to a process of recovery and ecological transition.
To find out more about this sustainable development program, information is available at the following address: PTRTE of the Munster Valley
Munster Valley Tourist Office 2024
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