Munster Valley Tourist Office
Ingredients for 4 persons :
16 medium potatoes (4 per person)
1 clove of garlic
Salt and pepper
A little caraway (cumin)
1 whole Munster cheese (500g)
½ glass of Eldelzwicker (10cl)
15 cl of liquid fresh cream
Recipe :
Cooking jacket potatoes
Peel them and cut them into cubes.
In the bottom of the gratin dish (high enough) put the crushed garlic
Then the potato cubes
The cheese cut into 4 pieces and placed well on top
Sprinkle with cumin, salt, pepper
Moisten with the glass of wine and the cream
Bake at 180°C for 30 min (if the potatoes are still hot)
To be enjoyed with a good green salad and cold meats
For 2 liters of soup
Ingredients: 2 leeks, 800ml chicken stock, 960ml milk, 1/3 Munster cheese, salt, pepper, cornstarch.
Sweat the leeks cut into 1 cm cubes, moisten them with milk.
Cook the leeks in the milk. Add the Munster without the rind, cut into cubes.
Let it cook for another ¼ hour. Add the chicken stock.
Salt and pepper
Bind with cornstarch
Munster Valley Tourist Office 2024
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